The Maharashtra Govt. has announced 2128 Jobs for Mahila Vyavsay Prashikshan Abhiyan. There are many different posts are available. Candidate who are looking for jobs in Mumbai can apply now.
Interested candidate can apply for the job on or before 21st September, 2012. duly filled application with perfect format can be sent to the head office of Mahila Vyavsay Prashikshan Abhiyan, mumbai.
Candidate between 16 years and 45 years can apply for the above job on or before 21st September, 2012. for more information kindly follow this url to get more information about jobs on Mahila Vyavsay Prashikshan Abhiyan.
selected candidates list of mahila vyaysay prashikshan abhiyan from dist. Beed of maharashtra